Compassionate And Zealous
Advocates In Hazleton

Hazleton Sex Offenses Attorney

Being charged with a sexual offense is one of the most devastating accusations that can be made against a client, and has severe effects upon the client’s entire family. Attorney Edward Olexa has successfully represented countless clients charged with sexual misconduct, rape or child pornography.

Olexa & Casari employs an experienced, licensed investigator and works closely with a team of experts from around the country. We independently evaluate the evidence and advocate for each client’s interests through the entire criminal justice system.

Get A Savvy Attorney On Your Side

Attorney Edward Olexa uses his vast knowledge of sex crime defenses, combined with cutting-edge trial strategies to meticulously challenge each piece of evidence and expose the weaknesses in the prosecution’s case to obtain a positive result for his clients. Attorney Olexa has successfully defended many clients accused of serious sexual offenses by filing court motions to have the charges dismissed without ever having to go to trial.

Some clients seek out the representation of attorney Edward Olexa to negotiate a very favorable plea agreement with the district attorney to avoid substantial periods of incarceration. Regardless of whether you want a vigorous defense because you have been wrongly accused, or you expect to negotiate a plea, attorney Olexa is the right lawyer to turn to have on your side. He has more than 15 years of experience and a strong track record of favorable outcomes even in difficult cases.

Aggressive Defense With The Future In Mind

Our clients in sex crime cases reach out for help and advocacy after being charged with offenses such as those below:

  • Indecency with a child/molestation crimes
  • Rape or aggravated sexual assault
  • Statutory rape
  • Sexual assault or exploitation of a child

Official penalties for such crimes may include prison, fines and mandatory sex offender registration. Many people with convictions as well as those who have been accused but not yet convicted experience other negative repercussions in various aspects of their lives. A swift, decisive defense is especially essential for people in the public eye and positions of leadership

The Sex Offenses Penalties Under The Sexual Assault Laws

Penalties for sex crimes in Pennsylvania are notably severe and far-reaching, impacting every life angle of an offender’s life long after any prison sentence is served. The penalties can vary significantly based on the specific offense, the victim’s and the defendant’s criminal history. As such, you are better off knowing what holds for various offenses to have strong legal grounds for your case.

Prison sentences for sex crimes, particularly those involving minors or violent acts, are often substantial:

  • Indecency with a child or molestation can result in two to 20 years imprisonment, depending on the victim’s age and use of force.
  • Rape or aggravated sexual assault typically carries 10 to 25 years minimum, with potential life sentences. Aggravating factors like weapon use or causing serious bodily harm can increase these prison terms.
  • Statutory rape, designed to protect minors even in consensual situations, can lead to up to 10 years in prison, with harsher penalties for repeat offenders or those in positions of authority.

Fines for sex crimes are significant, ranging from $10,000 to $100,000 or more, and can be imposed alongside prison sentences. Sexual exploitation of a child can result in fines reaching hundreds of thousands, especially if the distribution or production of illegal material is involved.

Mandatory sex offender registration is perhaps the most devastating consequence, applying to both misdemeanor and felony offenses. This typically lasts for life, though some may petition for removal after years. Registered offenders must inform law enforcement of their residence and employment, with public access to this information in many jurisdictions. This can limit living and working options and often results in social stigma and employment challenges.

Collateral consequences extend beyond legal penalties. Individuals can lose their professional licenses, face disqualification from certain jobs, and experience restrictions on living near schools or parks. Public figures or those in leadership positions may suffer job loss, reputational damage and strained family relationships even from accusations alone. In cases involving minors, convictions can result in loss of custody or visitation rights with one’s own children.

The severe penalties clearly mean you should not take any chances with your defense. To better protect your future, it makes a world of difference to have an experienced and compassionate legal team on your side who can handle the complexities of sex crime cases and build a robust defense.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the potential consequences of a sex crime conviction in Pennsylvania?

A sexual offense charge can lead to extremely severe consequences. The most common punishments for a conviction include incarceration, fines and mandatory sex offender registration. The court will often look at a few key details in a sex crime before deciding a sentence. These factors can include:

  • The age of the victim
  • The age of the defendant
  • The conduct that occurred
  • Injury as a result of sexual conduct

Without a strong defense from an attorney with a proven record of success, a defendant could face fines exceeding $25,000 and up to 40 years behind bars. Registration as a sex offender can also severely impact the defendant’s life in other ways.

Having to register as a sex offender could mean public notification of personal details, significant social stigma and even harassment. Offenders face strict residence and employment restrictions as well and must follow regular reporting requirements. There are additional penalties for noncompliance, making reintegration into society extremely challenging.

Even after paying their debt, defendants may lose the ability to get a loan, vote and obtain a higher education. Sex crime charges can also have emotional and psychological effects on the defendant and their families.

At Olexa & Casari, our sex crime defense lawyers can work closely with you to help ensure your needs are met. A strong legal defense can lead to a much brighter future than you may imagine.

What should I do if I’m accused of a sex crime in Pennsylvania?

It is necessary for your future to contact a sex crime defense lawyer immediately after an arrest or as soon as you discover you are under investigation. If law enforcement reached out to discuss a sex crime, this likely means you are under investigation. Steps may already be in effect to prosecute you.

After an arrest, you have a right to remain silent and obtain legal representation. Our attorneys can educate you on your rights to protect you from serious sex crime charges. Addressing the charges early can minimize damage to your reputation.

The longer you wait to talk to an experienced attorney, the harder it may be to defend yourself against sex crime allegations. Our defense lawyers are standing by to guide your next steps.

Protect Your Freedom And Reputation After Being Accused Of A Sex Crime

There is no time to waste even if your sex crime case is still in the rumor stages. Early, aggressive advocacy may prevent harsh consequences such as the ruination of your professional life. A solid defense is essential for protecting your future.

Don’t let your sexual offense charges threaten your hopes and dreams. Contact Olexa & Casari by calling 570-931-5943 or sending an email inquiry for effective and aggressive criminal defense representation.